Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Take Care of Yourself

Hello again my fellow people. Thank you all for reading and coming back to read more.

This one is going to be fairly short. I am having trouble with finding something to write about, so I will go with this:

Make sure to take care of yourself first. Love yourself enough to decline helping others when it will put your health in jeopardy. If you are not feeling 100%, you will not give 100%. This also goes for your mental health, too. Make sure to treat yourself with kindness just like you would a stranger.

Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies and that is not good. Try to make yourself your cheerleader. Give yourself pats on the backs. Tell yourself you did a good job.

And remember to always keep fighting. (Fangirl moment here for all those Supernatural fans out there... There will be plenty more to come, after all I went to the convention this year with the gold package and it was the best experience... But this conversation will be saved for another time.)

Again, after getting side tracked for a moment: Always Keep Fighting and Love Yourself First.

Thank you all for your precious time. Please feel free to leave any comments, thoughts, concerns below. Or even pass this on if someone else is in need of these words.

All my love,

Smile Child :)

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