Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Take Care of Yourself

Hello again my fellow people. Thank you all for reading and coming back to read more.

This one is going to be fairly short. I am having trouble with finding something to write about, so I will go with this:

Make sure to take care of yourself first. Love yourself enough to decline helping others when it will put your health in jeopardy. If you are not feeling 100%, you will not give 100%. This also goes for your mental health, too. Make sure to treat yourself with kindness just like you would a stranger.

Sometimes we can be our own worst enemies and that is not good. Try to make yourself your cheerleader. Give yourself pats on the backs. Tell yourself you did a good job.

And remember to always keep fighting. (Fangirl moment here for all those Supernatural fans out there... There will be plenty more to come, after all I went to the convention this year with the gold package and it was the best experience... But this conversation will be saved for another time.)

Again, after getting side tracked for a moment: Always Keep Fighting and Love Yourself First.

Thank you all for your precious time. Please feel free to leave any comments, thoughts, concerns below. Or even pass this on if someone else is in need of these words.

All my love,

Smile Child :)

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

The Second Post... A Soft C or a Hard C?

Hello Everyone! Thanks for reading my first post, and for coming back to read the second.

I would really like to talk about a serious matter that always pops up in my life, but I would rather keep this light hearted for the time being. After all, the name's Smile Child and when you keep things light and funny, you're generally smiling and laughing. My favorite thing to do! (Keep a look out though, it will be dated with todays date 😊)

So, without further ado, my thoughts on the drive home from work yesterday evening. These are completely random and from a bored mind.

As I am sitting in traffic, as per usual, I happen to see an out of state license plate, which reads "CERM." Now obviously, this license plate means something as it does not follow the typical state format. But of course, I have no idea what it means, so I started thinking about how you would even pronounce the word in the first place. Would you pronounce it with a soft C sound, or a hard C sound? Both make the word sound very different, which of course would make the word have very different meaning. One would sound like SUURM and the other like CUURM. What the meanings of these two words would be? I am not really sure about that either. Again this was all hypothetical and what was running through my mind when I saw the word on the license plate.

Another thought occurred to me, it could also be an acronym for something. So being stuck in traffic, I looked it up on my phone. (Something to note: I would also NOT recommend doing this, especially when you're speeding at 75 mph! It is against the law. Don't do it.) But back to the acronym thing. So I found things that it could stand for, multiple things actually. This then got me thinking about the pronunciation of the C again. At the time, I came to the conclusion that it would have to be a hard C sound. In looking it up again, I have changed my mind and realized that it would depend on the C word itself and how that is pronounced.

These thoughts stemmed into different thoughts about the letter C. But I can save those thoughts for another time. 

Thank you all again! I appreciate each and every one of you.
Just like the last time: any comments, thoughts, concerns, feel free to leave them below. I should be back tomorrow with another fun topic.

All my love,

Smile Child :)

Monday, November 28, 2016

Popping My Blogging Cherry

Where do I even begin? This is my first ever blog post. So if this post is all over the place, I sincerely apologize. Once I become familiarized with all this, I promise each blog will have a direction. So for this one, it will be a random introduction to who I am.

I am Smile Child. I am your typical, really not so typical, average twenty-something girl trying to take on this crazy thing we call the world. I graduated high school and went off to college to obtain my biology degree. That makes me a doctor or knowing what I want out of my life, right? Wrong, wrong, wrong. Oh how wrong that is. I have my degree and have not done a single thing with it. And what I have come to realize, months later after graduating, is that: it is completely OKAY 👌

Do not let anyone else tell you otherwise. Only you can tell yourself that. And even then, you shouldn't because all you're doing is making yourself your own worst enemy. Go easy on yourself. It is okay to not know where the heck you're going or how you're going to get there. Just remember to have faith and trust that you will get where you need to be despite the trials and tribulations you may go through to get there.

Ironically enough, and I probably shouldn't say this, but I want this to be an open and honest blog... I am typing this from work. I wouldn't recommend it, necessarily, but I am perpetually bored and everything in my life kept telling me to start writing at work. So here I am, writing my first ever blog. It feels good and empowering. (Having written this, since its been long in the works in my head, not while doing it at work 😏👍)

Lastly, I would like to thank all of those who have taken the time to read this. It truly does mean a lot. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or random thoughts like myself, please feel free to leave them and I will be more than happy to answer them.
Stay on the look out for more blogs to come on any and all subjects. From love and laughter, to sorrow and sadness, to crazy fan-girling.

Thanks again!

All my love,

Smile Chile :)